A Business Plan For Sears

Well...maybe just a suggestion. I'm no business guru, but I know what I like...

More than 70,000 of these complete kit homes sold through mail order by Sears, Roebuck and Company between 1908 and 1940.

I find the smaller homes absolutely charming, and perfect for a first or second home. Of course they would need a few modern amenities, such as more than one bath. That's where Sears would bode well to pair up with a young designer that is adept at "classic", with a modern sensibility.

Grant Gibson would be an excellent choice. His aesthetic packs a punch in even the tiniest of spaces.

Sears offered more stately homes for those with a larger budget. 

This is where I would suggest a pairing with a known entity in the design world. It would have to be someone who is synonymous with well done home exteriors and gardens. 

I know, I know...but you would keep her "outside", where frankly, she's perfection...

Like the Southern Living Magazine Home Plans franchise, I'm sure that Sears could make a fortune reintroducing these timeless designs.

...nine rooms and a bath, and breakfast together every morning in the alcove...



  1. Hello:
    We absolutely love these architectural drawings and plans. One could, indeed, spend hours looking, choosing and then, in the mind, arranging one's furniture. In addition you have also included some wonderful images of interiors to inspire (sigh!).

    Here in Hungary during the Communist period any new house had to conform to one of three possible styles and designs. The result is that now so many village houses look the same!

  2. Put this on my Facebook page. Knowing I want to reference it many times in the future.

    Quite selfish, my facebook page is a relationship with myself.

    Garden & Be Well, XO T

  3. What a wonderful post! Wish more folks would still like these lovely- small- and homey houses! But alas my neighborhood is exploding with another round of Mc Mansions!

  4. I wonder what these would cost today?

    I love Grant Gibson's work. Great choice!

  5. you are amazing.
    this was a very nostalgic post.
    remember homes like that?

    one of those little ones would be PURRRRRFrect for moi.


  6. Brilliant Kathy, I had forgotten about those home "packages". Can you believe the prices; unreal!

    Grant would be perfect as well as Martha!

    I have featured an Interview with Tina from The Enchanted Home...


    Art by Karena

  7. Hello Kathy,

    This is a really grat Blogspot! How funny to see thes old prices and plan. I can take hours to look at al the details. And I love the pics just for the inspiration.

    Have a wonderful week

  8. Fabulous post Kathy and brilliant idea!! I remember so many of these houses from our old neighborhoood of Eastmoreland in Portland, Oregon.

  9. Kathy...happy 4th! There are several of these homes still around in our neck of the woods! I remember a tour done a few years ago. I wasn't abe to go, but if you google "historic sears homes Virginia Beach" you can find pictures of a lot of them on The Sears Modern Homes website. Love the idea! xo meredith

  10. I think it would be wonderful to see modern takes on classic home styles.


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